In a devastating incident in northern Iran, a fire broke out in a drug rehabilitation center, claiming the lives of 32 individuals and leaving 16 others injured. The initial death toll had been reported at 27 but has now tragically risen.
The Grim Scene
The drug rehabilitation center, located in the city of Langarud in the northern Gilan province, was engulfed in flames, resulting in the loss of 32 lives. Mohammad Jalaei, the Deputy Governor of the province, confirmed that the fire had claimed the lives of 32 individuals and left 16 others injured. Among the injured, four are in critical condition, highlighting the severity of the incident.
Initial Reports in Tragedy Strikes Iran
Initially, the Mizan Online News website had reported 27 casualties and 12 injuries. The cause of the fire was not immediately clear, but Ismail Saadeghi, the Chief Justice of the province, had initiated an investigation. The rehabilitation center had a capacity for 40 people.
Swift Action and Investigations
Saadeghi mentioned that several individuals, including the center’s management, had already been apprehended as part of the ongoing investigation. Footage of the fire broadcast by ISNA showed the night sky illuminated by the flames and a massive plume of smoke billowing into the air.
Aftermath and Damage
Additional footage depicted emergency responders, firefighters, and ambulances gathered outside the heavily damaged facility, with the center’s roof destroyed, windows shattered, and walls blackened by smoke. This devastating incident bears eerie similarities to previous fire-related tragedies in Iran.
In August, a fire had broken out in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar, causing extensive damage to several shops, although no casualties were reported. Notably, in January 2017, a fire in Tehran’s 15-story Plasco Shopping Center claimed the lives of at least 22 people, including 16 firefighters.