The identities of the American prisoners, Judith and Natalie Ranan, a mother and daughter from a suburb of Chicago, were released by Hamas. Both have Israeli and American citizenship.

Judith and Natalie Ranan were caught up in the fighting after traveling to Israel’s northern border with Gaza to meet up with family. They were lodging at Nahal Oz, a Hamas-targeted kibbutz. In the North Suburbs of Chicago, Natalie Ranan had just received her diploma from Deerfield High School. Natalie sent a message to her family on October 7 to let them know that she was okay. This was shortly after the bombing started. We are all fine, in reality, she said. Mom’s sleeping quarters were hit, but we are now going to another guest house with shelter.

The family hadn’t heard from them since the incident, according to Natalie’s brother, and later they learned that they were being held in Gaza via American and Israeli authorities.Uri Ranan, Natalie’s father, had a phone conversation with his daughter. She’s doing fantastic. She’s doing fantastic, Uri Ranan told ABC. “I’m in tears, and I’m feeling very, very good.”

A 71-year-old man had said that he spent the day praying that his daughter and her mother, Judith Ranan, would do the same after seeing in the news at the start of Friday that an American mother and daughter would be released by Hamas. Knowing that Natalie would spend her 18th birthday at home with family and friends the following week is gratifying. Best news ever, claims Uri Ranan.” photo credit by- image esearch

Judith and Natalie Ranan were released for “humanitarian reasons,” per a statement on a Telegram channel connected to Hamas.The prisoners’ liberation filled the families with pleasure. Avi Zameer, Natalie’s uncle, thanked President Biden and the Department of State for working to secure the inmates’ release.

The two ex-prisoners were personally spoken to by President Biden, who gave them the assurance that the government would help them fully while they recovered and healed from their horrible experience. On Twitter, he posted a picture of their phone chat, during which they both conveyed their sincere sorrow for the American families living in continual dread.

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